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May 2020
Is it warmth, do share it
From above, share it
Descending like fine mist
Warming heart's cockles.

Is it energy expansion?
Travelling into the beyond
Knowing no boundaries
Lightening the way in darkness.

Is it found in stillness?
Surely in spaciousness
Beyond time and space
Divinity exists, for all.

It connects all as one
With each in and out breath
Found in ebb and flow of tides
On crisp cool Himalayan air.

Often lost, needing to be found
Stand still, surrender momentarily
Connect with inner and outer landscapes
Intention is Soul's waiting call.
Anne denada
Written by
Anne denada  65/F/Britsh Columbia/Fiji
(65/F/Britsh Columbia/Fiji)   
   Imran Islam
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