More questions from reflections For your meditations: What verbs apply: To have, to be…? That point of energy Containing all, No, being all, no, knowing all? A consciousness? Non-consciousness? Verbs puny. Adjectives, nouns, pronouns too Think or bust, reflect you must; Inevitable, you will ponder, contemplate, Bit by bit eliminate… That’s it!
He/she, even it is you, And if complete, Then you’re its part, A part-ner cog.
Assuming cause, You/He all One, A mind aware, with laws. It’s God, for goodness!
Theoretically, the hypothetical Needs faith to lead faith to The real; The anything of something..
More Questions 8.22.2013/revised 2.7.2020 /5.12.2020 To The Child Mystic II; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative; Circling Round Meditation; Arlene Nover Corwin