It’s the internet and I hate it, dealing daily with raving lunatics.
On a regular basis I see raging faces of uniformed racist ranting about baseless accusations.
I thought I had the solution, to the mass confusion generated by all those pasty old guys.
I was certain, and I rationalized that once they realized that the fox news dudes we’re feeding them lies, they would come around to my point of view.
What a sweet certain avenue I followed you through thinking reasoning was needed and that it would change you who truly believed in the hate that you seeded.
But now I admit I am defeated. As far as I can see some people are not open to changing and growing.
No more tears left in me, so back to my bubble I go, where my people agree and know what I know, a safe space where I will stay, cause while the world burns I am certain to be squirreled away with the rest of my disheartened, dry eyed dying idealists.