Does everything stop, With last look and last breath? Or sky is waiting for us, And there is life after death.
When our heart stops beating, I hope this is not the end. Maybe there is a long shiny stairs, Which leads us to some mysterious land. Maybe that land has its great ruler. Can it be Devil or God? Maybe that place is a beautifull, Or wasteland covered in mud.
If someone was an evil person, And he couldn't stand a sound of the church bell. Will he have a good afterlife, Or devil will open the gates of hell. Is hell an awful, scary place, Fire and danger at every spot? Or it is land full of temptation, But one mistake can cost a lot.
Is there a peaceful heaven, For people who were honest and nice? Will God embrace its believers, And show them a path to paradise? Heaven should be a happy place, Amazing land, where everything is straight. Everyone ˝ lives˝ full life, There is not jealousy and hate.
No one knows what happens after death, We can only wonder and guess. Is death same as game over, Or our spirit is endless?