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May 2020
Alleviate these urges.
I'm certain of one thing
Something hurts me.
And its more than money
****** urgency
But its numbing.
Is coming
And it hunts me
Like juan in the drug store
my picture on a
touch screen...
Silenced pistol.
Plastic wrap. And bleach.
To keep his truck clean.
He wants me.
Mercy like rehearsal.
With the big show
Never coming.
The big show certainly coming
But its Caine that runs
These veins.
My nasal passage. Humming.
Like a bird.
My stomach buzzing.
Bee the reason.
I make an impact. Hit hard
Like its a drum beat.
Dragon breath
My inferno  clumsy
Stumbling and
Dropping heat
Like fireball
To a drunk teen
Switch blade kinda change the flow.
It's funny how I play the role.
Like God is waiting patient
Just to break my nose
And turn my baby clothes
Into lady clothes.
Only shady knows.
Oh save it ***
just having fun rapping
Jordan Gablehouse
Written by
Jordan Gablehouse  27/Two-Spirit/Canada
   L B
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