To write a poem, a single word select, embrace it with a fullness that lovers, family and friends and the *** who cut you off in the middle lane do daily provide
Grasp said word, walk it onto a yellow, blue lined, legal pad, touch said word with the whisper of a single tear, a single curse, like a pebble in a pond, said word will miracle expand hugging you with concentric circles of lines of poetry, visionary words and stanzas that almost complete themselves and you
The rhymes you will require, the meter you will select, no need to struggle, hug your child and as Abraham told Isaac, God and Google will provide
The simple trickster, a wordsmiths, even your average poet laureate, got nothing on you that you don't already possess, to offer them plenty stiff competition
Example: How
How to Write a Poem
To write a poem, a single word select, your fingers will do the rest.