Today’s didactic insight: just happened to hear the phrase ‘the sin of pride’ this morning. So here:
The Sin Of Pride
I heard the phrase: it froze, was glued. First thought: What’s sin? The second: what is pride?
A sin is when you miss the mark, (Connected to self- condemnation - Sadly, to iniquity ) Pride is when you’ve chosen wrongly, Guided by a mostly falsely high opinion Of oneself and one’s importance.
Yet we use it as a virtue, Nurture as if it were good; Pride in country, children, kin.. Fact: exclusion and restriction; Leaving out, elimination;, Failing to include oneself as sinful, Ignorant and rude.
Reality contains the certitude That we are all a family With variations in the tree: Tendency and quality, person, personality. None is better or more worthy - (one more fancy theory).
We’ve all filled with invasive traits: “All-inclusive” like the place. Different nose, different face, Different color, difference race; Talents more or less intense; On the fence; Misrepresented.
Pride: to swap for modesty, A lack of vanity, The ever growing insight that we All are everyone and nobody.
The Sin Of Pride 4.26.2020 Definitely Didactic II; Arlene Nover Corwin