Cupid never pulled her bow and if she did she missed by a mile but lie not must I because the banshees howl your essence in disgruntle and far from fragrant maelstrom and day and night even the streets tars your name so that at vesper a benediction I sing for you and at chapel reverie my thoughts grace atonement full of pity for lost souls and those yet to find seekers and searchers in Dante's Never-land I can but feel to blame in coming to my distant winter oasis the Southern light did follow in visceral disquiet and in offending gust blew away the veil you wore and gazes turned in searchlights ripping boded hues your prime and testaments laid out to feed vultures leaving you to dance all your dances to a thousand eyes four decades and a little more you walked your court as you wished your guests your laws your Appain way Never in the Town Square So in my undimmable flares eyes and tongues are to be your uninvited guests in them you lay your stalls with your wares in view so its with pity my memories takes Alas, not of cupid's lark or roses whiffs a marionette parading with stories for all in spotlight forsooth, tis known in dimmer light and closed curtains some plays enact better far from seen Tis my regret you walked in to walk out to all and sudry which is never you for you do not like to walk bare-feet in the rain..........