it was put on the board. my teacher told my to stand up in front, of my 6th grade class and, read the assignment. i stared at it for a while, and i started to read, to, then suddenly the letter t, flipped upside down and decided, to become an f the the o became a c the c turned into an n i could feel all eyes on me. my mate whispered "today" i said today, still trying to figure out how that matched the board. we turned itself into, me. but i finally remembered what i say first. its been 3 minuets now and, all i had read out loud was, "today we" will and be started to move around the board. then all the letters switched around, and f e l l
o f f the board. the only thing still there, was one word. then my mate finally whispered to me, "today we will be" and i said that. then i turned back to the board. while i was attempting at sounding things out my mates couldnt handle it anymore. they bursted out in giggles. i read "poet..try?" and got a detention for delaying the class.