Afraid Of a good feeling You see, it always goes wrong Afraid of I don’t even know what Because I’m too scared to look through the door.
Enamored By this weightless feeling That’s evaded me for so long Such an immediate Intimate Thing
I forgot what the feeling was like And the power it can have What if you wreck my life What if I do? What if I forget all my plans And abandon myself again I’ve done it so many times What if it happens again with you
Feeling pathetic and these emotions that well up inside Triggered by this feeling that should just feel good But it’s doesn’t feel just good it feels terrifying I’m shell shocked I don’t know what this means Now suddenly my age matters to me My desires are foreign to me I’m scared to lose myself again I’m scared to be torn apart
But so so so so so so so much more afraid than I ever thought I was I had no idea I was still shaking I had no idea I was still wailing I had no idea I was still this girl in the dark I thought I was doing so much better than I am
But how can I say no to me and yes to me at once? How can I deprive myself of this maybe good thing How can I offer myself this maybe bad thing
Where are these feelings from? Me? Or you?
If I’m honest And I pretend that I’m calm and cool I’d say they’re from me But You like me too and now mine have doubled Maybe Or maybe they were already doubled Who am I. Where did this girl come from again. This slick emotional heap that I’ve shamed for her passion because I thought it was sick But now I’m feeling something I don’t want to resist
Yes we’ve been here before. But maybe we haven’t, I don’t know. How do you know the difference between what you’ve always known and it’s many many iterations and something you’ve never known that could appear the same?
Is this how I felt before? Last year? With the orange and black and the blue? I have no clue. I was different then and I’m different now but also I’m exactly the same girl with exactly the same fears I don’t know It’s a lot but also isn’t it not so much?
Confronted with fear and in realizing I’m more afraid, more traumatized than I thought. Its gotten so bad before. How do we go slow? I do not know.
I can learn I hope. Or maybe it’ll all be okay and it’ll all work out for the best. I just don’t want to suffer in the middle, I will work hard and try and be smart and good but I don’t want to be hit anymore. It’s already been so bad, and the more I heal it seems to get better.