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May 2013
My heart is blinded by the youth of
Your eternity
Only your rose tinted glasses to tend
My view
And your garden looks so glorious
How could I not taste your divine
Such is the sweetest nectar
I dare not look away

A tempest touch from your soul
Enters my veins
Breathen's my blood to a beat in a
Thunderous cloud  
Such senses confuse me
Embrace me
Frighten me into the thought's of the
she devils lair
My mind is sacrificed for just a
Glimmer of your most wondrous
Will you love me
As I love you
Will you hold me
As I wish you
Will you care me
Wash me down so that I can be your
Paradise found
Forever and ever in this garden
Our Eden
andy fardell
Written by
andy fardell
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