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Apr 2020
Look at the hand?
See the ring?
Now you must comprehend what that theme means?

I have left my singlehood alone.
Fell in love with someone I pledged my love too.

Look st the ring?
Understand the vows.
Through sickness, through health and anything else.
I am here for them.

And no marriage is picture-perfect?
If any couple say it is?
They playing with the facts.

But marriage is a package deal.
Here you won't find a divorce happening.

Those that do just running in fear of the truth being exposed.
That theirs was just for convenience because of lust circumstances.
While ours was based on love and more.

So look at the ring and realize?
We connected forevermore.
See the ring shines like the love still within our eyes.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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