A young mother and her young daughter cuddled together where they lay . The mother held her daughter tight , Shivering on this perolus night . As the cabin lights went out , and sea water slowly , slowly moved above their mouths , then heads , they drowned .
Outside the clear skies hid not one star from their eyes , as Angels beckoned their souls this night , below whistles and the sound of oars paddling away , they looked down , onto souls that reached for the skies , Instead of their bodies drifting out to sea. And so with a mighty wrench as if the ship , was saying her final goodbye . With all its marble stair cases and fine dinning rooms , and the thousands left , like them would rise.
Caught in angels wings , not for them the Carpathia awaits , that is not their happy fate !
Two dolls tossed apon the waves , but that is all that could be seen , from what man said God could not sink, lies vanished beneath the waves .