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Apr 2020
If you asked me in 8th Grade,
I knew exactly what Love looked like
Love had long black hair
Had singkit eyes
And had the sweetest voice
Love loved cats
And I loved dogs
But Love was understanding
Love was patient
Love was kind
Love was easy
I knew Love for almost four years
And then, Love changed
Love had shorter hair
Had braces
And had the sunniest smile
Love and I both loved dogs
Love was adventurous
Love was brave
Love was a fight
Love was difficult
And Love didn't last as long
Now, I'm in my freshman year of uni
And I don't know what Love looks like anymore
Maybe both of them are Love
Or maybe I'm just too scared
To find Love again
Because I don't love myself
As much as I loved Love
I learned that you'll never be able to give someone else the love that they deserve if you don't love yourself in the first place.
Written by
Jeckthunder  21/M/Philippines
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