The moment of now Can never be repeated; Never come as, why, and how It did.
To be used It must be used for what it is, For what it is, is without price To use, up to the hilt, and dealt With live, a life improvisation.
As for influences: You imbibe them round the clock; That is to say, you soak them up non-stop, And by your preferences, Confer on population near Around the clock, non-stop, Effects and influences till you drop.
As influencer, everyday aware That you are kindling’s scintilla — The tiny spark that fires up the furthest star, Let what you’re conscious of become The constant one you are.
The moment’s measurement Is infinitely small; It cannot be defined at all. One can just drink it in; The never-ending, golden link That bends and anchors then to now. The Moment Of Now 4.14.2020 Nature Of & In Reality; Circling Round Time II; Arlene Nover Corwin