got me thinking i disappoint too easily because i expect minimal consideration like i'm overly needy for wanting you to apologize or at the very least hoping for an explanation sick of feeling like i'm crazy for demanding basic human kindness i've bled out on your altar many times only to feel abandoned in times of crisis this cycle where i give and you take is unhealthy and unsustainable it might come as a surprise to you but i am, in fact, quite breakable everytime you raid my shelves for understanding and support and only give me an echo of a half-hearted thanks in return as you rush out the door you build up this negative balance that doesn't just disappear when you leave while you're out there spending all my love the feeling of debt swallows me and with all my heart i wish there was some other way but you're not mature enough to understand why i even want things to change when i go you'll want me back but not because you actually miss me you'll miss the way i treated you the way i always made things easy but i'm tired of things being like that i want to be around people who want me back