That blue ridge has vanished. Not even a sketch of it can be discerned Out of the white mask it wears.
Behind that mask Beyond the ridge I turned into a woman. I replaced my identity And decided that I was not a vessel of pain Or a naive child.
I decided to be intelligence Kindness Bravery And ambition.
Splash. The lure breaks the water. He jigs and reels. Nothing.
What I wouldn't give To have seen that bridge burn To feel the radiating heat Just barely scorching my skin To know how far away the glow could be seen.
I wonder if my own burning radiates. I wonder if my still glowing embers Can be heard crackling. Or if, like the bridge, All the incendiary evidence of my youth Crumbled into the water And washed into the not so distant sea.
The mask is clearing And subtle blue emerges. Will I wait to see it bare its face? I don't think so.