Anger consumes my body, like fire from hell My body keels over from lack of food Food which I purposely neglected to provide Hate, abuse, deceit and anger take over me Pure ugliness, staring me in the face People that are supposed to care, supposed to love Who claim to care and claim to love Yet seem to me as wolves in sheep’s clothing Wanting to control me, dominate me, constrict me Who crush me over and over again And wonder why we are always butting heads Sadness creeps in my heart, but it is not mine And it saddens me more that I feel her hurt My heart aches for love, for touch, for affection It longs to love and to be loved But all it receives is sadness and pain Crying out for love, my body cries too Not with tears, but with blood A deep crimson red running out of me Staining everything in its path As this blood runs out of me, so does my strength, my energy I am exhausted and long to sleep But my mind is forever going, going, going … Why? Why? Why? Why? The question of a thousand why’s consumes me … Threatening to crush my very soul.