Standing by those beautiful lights, Surrounded by friends but looking for you, Looking around in that bright night, Still I cant seem to find you Oh darlin‘ You're never there.
Playing along with the world, Oh so loving and carefree, Yet I look around to find you, But never can I find thee. 0h darlin‘ You're never there.
Going to those wonderful parties Enjoying the views, the meals, Yet I look around for you, But you never seem to be anywhere . 0h darlin‘ You're never there.
Wandering past you're house and you're street Looking here and a little there Yet you never seem to be free., 0h darlin' You're never there.
Why aren't you there when I need you, Why do you seem so mad, I only wanted us to be together , Why does it all seem so bad,
Although we both didnt confess, But I guess we both know how we feel, Although cause of us, the world protests But I thought we were bold enough to be carefree
Although I cant even get you out of my mind I still gotta go and leave you behind I wish somehow you could've known, That I always waited for you to show up, But you my friend never showed. 0h darlin' You're never there.
It's a poem about how people even in the most colorful places still look around for the person they love and try to find them