The last day I saw you, it was snowing It was snowing in the middle of March, which was weird But even weirder, I was sitting at your table The cool kid's table All of your friends looked at me like I was a freak of nature But I was your freak They saw us laughing and cracking jokes, but mostly staying silent and they left us alone
I wonder if I'll ever forget that day I've already forgotten the way you dressed or whether or not you were wearing your glasses But I remember the snow, cold and silent as us Falling down outside It was still there when I woke up at three o'clock in the morning to your breathing To the fact that you were still laying next to me
I remember now, your red and black sweater I never got why people call those things sweaters I always called them sweatshirts, or pullovers But you'd assuredly call it a sweater Just like I know you'd always baby talk your dogs and chase after Emmett in your backyard and dream of smoking **** in your unattached garage I'll never know why you picked me Why you chose to stick around When you could've easily left Maybe it was my perseverance, If you could call it that I could never let you get away I never wanted you away from me
Maybe I'll forget this all someday When I'm older and greyer But not quite grey Living with the one I called my soulmate The person I chose to believe was meant for me Funny, how I still keep thinking about that person as you when the conversation never flows quite right how we can't be left alone together in an empty room There'd be no fear of passion We are as lifeless as fallen stilts The abandoned remnants of some government project But for now I'll say that I'll always think of you And I will think of you Your hair and your stupid smile Everchanging but always signaturely you I guess I'll miss the few moments where I felt at home with you at peace with you Because after this quarantine is over, nothing will be the same