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May 2013
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
God paints a sunrise in the east
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Dewdrops kiss the flowers
And last Night's raindrops
Drench the fresh earth
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
The veil of Heaven lifts
And shows fluffy white clouds
Drifting lazily by
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Buds unfurl their soft sweet petals
And the smell of honeysuckles
And millions of other flowers
Fill the air of Dawn
With a heavenly fragrance
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Flowers waltz in the meadows and fields
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
Sunrays dance through my window
Filling my room full of light
When butterflies kiss the Dawn
All is beautiful

Written by
Marian  Faerieland and in my head
(Faerieland and in my head)   
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