The monkey chattered in my ears his laughter became my tears. A dry cackle that slipped through each and every link that shackled me and bound me to futility.
I called him Manny mainly because it wasn't funny to give him a name at all but strange things happen to those that fall beside the wayside. There was no parable to make my life bearable no miracles and no burning bush the monkey pulled while I pushed or perhaps the other way round until finally worn down to the ground Manny decided it would be quicker to walk and bid me goodbye.
I wonder why I fed him for so long right or wrong that's what I did but now he's gone there's more for me and I can see that I am greedy too. What is there left to do but fill my head with thoughts of the living and of those that are dead and decide into which category I fit.
To bite the bullet or take the bit and cut one's cloth so it will fit is the order of my day. Manny's gone and I am on my way hip hip hip hooray.