Garrison Keillor once said that what he most hopes for when his life is said and done is that the people of his beloved St.Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota will be more proud of him than embarrassed by him. He then added, with genuine humility and honesty:
I think it's going to be a close call.
For many years I used to listen to his show The Writer's Almanac very early in the morning on my way to teach my 7th grade English class
He is famous, and I am not; but we share much in common. He loves music; I love music He loves poetry; I love poetry He is God haunted; I am also.
Though I love 3 writers he - let's be honest - at times envies:
Bob Dylan, T.S. Eliot, and Herman Melville
Nevertheless, his statement struck me as quite sincere.
So, Mr. Keillor, here I'm a stealer:
I don't have a hometown because I've moved so much; however
Despite my sins, faults, and failings (which are considerable)
When my life is over, I hope that the people in the places where I have lived (too many too list) would say I made a contribution, resisted the Absurd, played a positive part -