hitching a ride to the southside after a night shift looking forward to sunrise holiday obliteration oh holy night -- it’s our christmas party my twenty dollars the first of a hundred on the bar tequila from me, girlie shots from my menagerie they taste like Chanel #5 but by shot #10 they knock you across the room
getting home from the christmas party is always an issue but the bus goes directly from Jacks to my living room so at 11 a.m. or who knows when i exit the bar it’s freezing, snowing, and too much fun out here but when the 54c bus finally materializes i rejoice pay my fare and relax onto my seat elated to be escalating home i’m safe on the bus, so warm, so comfy so slowly sliding from my seat to the floor all seven passengers look down at me, that guy i giggle up at them with christmas cheer and say "woops"