He was born in a log cabin Faces lots of hardship from his childhood He works in the farm after school to help his parent He was a man of truth and honesty He became a man of honour A man full of reputation and dignity A man who wage many wars which would have prolonged slavery A man who propagated the end of slavery today He tells the truth and yet people never wanted the truth He cares and love the masses yet they loose faith in him As a great Man he never stop his good deeds He was hated by many because he was against slavery As a great man he keeps pushing against slavery He won Free the slaves And also free the union A man who spoke powerful words "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds." He became the best president ever known He hated war and destructions Yet faced the worse crisis any president would ever seen He later took war as the only means to free the union Yet was murdered by people he cares about Great men lives on His legacy lives forever His achievement speaks great of him Farewell!!! Abraham Lincoln