Look into the sun. War makes billionaires. Puppet dictators make billionaires. Slave wages make billionaires. Addictions make billionaires. Bought politicians make billionaires.
Look into the moon. Most of us are fools who live by rules. We wear denim and flannel and pray to God Almighty. We buy a suit off the rack to wear to weddings and dances and funerals. We'll be buried in it. We eat casseroles and drink cheap beer. We stink from the work we do. We laugh as hard as anyone, maybe more. You'll find us pinching pennies at Walmart. We just have one spouse from high school and we sleep in the same bed and cuddle.
Look into the abyss if you can stand it. It's pitch black. Blinded by the sun or just sick to death of truth's brutality? Buried in forever midnight.