How a serious sickness, well... (Fickle disease, might I add) It becomes a wall. A threat beyond any measure of pain previously. How a serious sickness Becomes a tease. An insult. How it becomes a type of outfit... A type of look. How a serious sickness Kills 4,627 to date And STILL...
It has become a taste. It's a knowing! A pass into society or a card into The Azkaban of the school hierarchy. Lord knows how those 4,627 feel knowing That I... AALIYAH Am them. Not in sickness...
But in health. See, I was groomed MALLET AND CHISEL To be ugly, a nerd, scary, stupid, clingy, an animal: You, my love... You were NOT a tease.
And I am sorry. For them. For you. -------------------------------------------- R.I.P. all who know; Or did, that is.
Coronavirus tribute from the schools of Western Virginia, if you feel me.
Bullying needs to stop. Please. It's LITERALLY killing me. More on that later.