It is, will always be: Something tips the scales. You die. We read, we see that most who pass away, I.e. The older in society From virus in modernity, contemporary (virus C so anti-trendy); Those with underlying illnesses, sepsis, so on, Ills potential, known, un-shown.
Life’s end always has a cause, The time between your birth and death but pause; It’s no surprise: sunrise to -set, Scarce discussed but always met.
Death comes at will; Lying still or sitting, walking, Making fervent love or talking, Even taking food and such, The unavoidable the touch of fate.
Corona’s crown, not crown but ‘downer’ (see corona’s origin: medieval Latin word for crown)
Starvation, war, lopsided Nature, Technology and fire, water… And the vices - greed and anger, Traits unconquered… Slowly building wind in sails To some finality That tips the scales. Something Always Tips The Scales 3.10.2020 Our Times, Our Culture; Nature Of & In Reality; Arlene Nover Corwin