What should I write about? I can't seem to think. My poetry talent is filling with doubt, It seems to be as bad as my lackluster "wink"
Maybe I will write about my life? How much I love who I am. I could write about my strife, Or how I strike life like a battering ram.
Those all seem so "cliche" I need to think DEEP. Should I write about today? Or how I didn't get any sleep?
No one cares about those things... But what can I make interesting? I cold exaggerate my love life... Nope, that wouldn't be anything.
All right. Here we go. I'll write what first comes to mind. I will close my eyes and wait, And hope there is something to find. Just set my thoughts strait...
Roses are red, Violets are blut, This prom won't work, Maybe I should write a haiku
Okay, I admit it! I can't write poetry. But maybe someday Ill gain wit And create wonderful comedy.