Ministers, that so-called voice of God. Twisting scriptures to fit their beliefs. And rather you admit it? Many constantly do it.
Even trying to guide your political choice.
One minute God is love. Then another God against this. A church of confusion ministered by our trust.
Except, no one, can ever point out where God was a racist? This just something of his stupid creation called people.
And scriptures address the poor shall inherit the earth. Even today the wealthy are a strange breed. Like the one that inquired about eternal life.
One directed what he must do? Instantly he was exposed not willing too. Even the good samaritan had a sincere heart. Did more for this helpless one than the one that represented the lord.
Then we question many of them. They love the phase don't put your mouth on the anointed. Then we must when we spot the hypocrites?
Within the church of confusion, many come away lost. Cause the sermon taught to you doesn't align with God.
Who simply monitoring us daily? To find a sincere heart. Only on this earth do we discriminate against relationships.
Don't step outside your race. Two same-*** is against his law. Without addressing their happiness. That a point of life, many could care-less.
And this is when you know that it's true. God is love. Cause of the stupid things we do.