Today will be the kind of day That I would rather wish away. But wishing will not change the fact That it's time to reenact A little procedure--not so merry-- Which, I fear, is necessary. For I have to prep, you see, For my colonoscopy!
TMI, you say. Why share The messy details of this affair? Details? No, I'll spare you those. That is something to leave to the pros. But anyone who's done this before Knows what tomorrow has in store. Frankly, it's not my cup of tea-- Having a colonoscopy.
The prep is really the part I hate. No solid food upon my plate. And nothing purple, red, or blue. Jello's the only thing I can chew. Otherwise, it's liquids only. My stomach's already feeling lonely. Tomorrow I will eat with glee, AFTER my colonoscopy.
Tonight at 6:00 the "clean-out" commences. That could have bad consequences If our toilet were out of commission. Then I'd be in an awkward position. Tonight you will have to admit That you can’t say I’m full of &%!#. I assume that you'd agree: Not fun, a colonoscopy.