I lay upon my bed and stare up at the ceiling analyzing my thoughts, to figure out this feeling I'm bored but I'm not, it's hard to explain it happens a lot, but I don't like to complain I could read my book, it's sitting by my side but no, that just won't work. I've already tried I could play piano, it's right over there but back up at the ceiling I continue to stare I think I'm kind of hungry, but I can't really tell if something yummy from the kitchen made a smell but getting up to cook it, is just not in my mood so maybe I'm after something else, and it just isn't food I could watch tv, this great show has caught my eye but it just makes me lonely and wish I had a guy I want to hang with friends, but they're all out of town and that is why i'm bored, stuck with this stupid frown I could entertain myself, there's so much I could do but none of it is any fun when I'd rather be with you.