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May 2013
I'm getting older, you can see it in my eyes.
It's been breaking me and faking me, this wonderful terrible life.
I wonder what it's like to live in a happy home?
To know when you cry, you'll never cry alone.
Never walk out the door without a hand to hold.
To have family love you and treat you like so.
But I've never been so lucky, except for my younger days.
But when I grew older, something so suddenly changed.
Her words became harsh and daddy's never home.
I prayed real hard at night for some savior to intervene.
But no matter how many tears would come, no one came to me.
I envisioned a handsome man, bold, strong and sweet.
To come to me in whispers and bend down on one knee.
Tell me not to fear, his job was to protect.
My heart & my life. No they'd never feel neglect.
To fight the tears back from my eyes.
When my strength was all but gone.
I'm almost twenty now.
Still hoping for a change.
I've found a man, bold, strong and sweet.
I swore it'd make it all better, if he stood next to me.
But no matter who is there, no one can slay the demons related to me.
Brittany Jackson
Written by
Brittany Jackson  TX
   ---, Mydriasis Aletheia, Dag J and Emma S
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