Drifting in this unprecedented feeling of dreamlike quality My ocean in a bottle sweetness and fantasy fused into completeness My philosophical creation vital and at peak
you warm me up like firelight
You have unaffected power potted flower of chaos bewildering Greatness taken to the higher level as if all that ever fascinated me has never taken place. No one has ever spoken. in such calm tone as you in my wilting hours in victorian beginnings Tracking down the summer through translucent covers to my deepest self enlightened
No sea will be flown in valediction exceptionally beatific charming waves caused to move by change Northern West you flawlessly being flawless chained spiritually arbitrarily and accepted Capital of summertime bliss firelight
Deflagrating mightly madly from kilometers away apathy influenced by poetic manners Taken to hyper speed and mindset of purity repeating in warm waves No ocean world generated in polar areas not even coldness of the night Nothing fancy never took place