I wear the letters NYU sprawled across my chest as my individuality is asphyxiated. Lungs choke under the weight of the added pressure. The thought of college plus my complexion, Equals complexed looks that ponder my intellectually-heightened direction.
Will you think a little bit more of me, with my conformity?
Attempts to better myself meet enough ignorance to even cloud the vision of God. Segregation and alienation cause mental spasms the strength of lightening rods.
I guess you're just a product of the environment to which you were exposed. But I'm always trying to fight the stereotype that black people are ultimately foes.
I am the ant and the kids of rich parents are magnifying glasses. Cremating me with the solar power of son's who were taught that their existence was worth more than mine.
I lay motionless, in bottomless quick sand pits, itching to alleviate my stomach stitch, engulfed by set standards that could not be met. I am tired of trying to be what you'd like to see. Astute, respectable, young black man-just so you can approve of me and hopefully think that we are not all "up to no good."
Say it loud, I'm black And I'm, Not going to lie, The proud part is kinda hard to say.
Because I walk down the street and see my face in the homeless everyday. I fill the prisons and I'm famous when the news reports crime. And when I show up early to interviews, they look confused to see that I, Don’t run on Colored People's Time.
I don't hate black but I hate the fact that black means that sometimes I have to find alternate routes to success.
While other people's roads are already paved, I suffer from all the stress. I try my best but I'm always categorized as less, then a man. And I'm trying to change perceptions but I still feel like a visitor on American land
And the poor are physically trapped so I relate mentally. We both suffer from the oppression and accept the hatred like it was meant to be.
Society has led you to believe that blacks are not worthy of equality But take a long, hard look into my eyes and tell me that you don’t see my humanity.