What is pleasure? Listening to hubby play a jazz improvisation? Voicings vested in ten gifted fingers? Revelling in chords unrivalled? Food in mouth? Massage’s touch?
To take pleasure is to savour, As a sample, for example, Kent’s piano not just pleasure But a treasure trove of silver; Coin of worth, worth imitation.
What is pleasure, measure of…? Anything that makes you smile, Any force that keeps you mobile. Any word what ends in -phile.
In opposition to the concept ‘down’, Such as ‘downheartedness’, Is feeling blessedness, A boon your own.
A simple thought in bed last night, Feeling warm and light, A bed of roses, height of ease No pain or seizure. Not inertia but a closure. This is pleasure Also.
What Is Pleasure? 2.25.2020 Circling Round Reality; Vaguely About Music II; Arlene Nover Corwin