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Feb 2020
Psyche War
the fashionable slang
for gangsters recruiting dopes
to harass and torment the innocent man
that called them out and refused to keep quiet

the embracing banner
of racists vigilantes and gangsters
fooling the people into covert harassment
of the law-abiding black man they want beaten down

Chess Game
the odious lie to arrest
the progress of a gifted and clever man
by wasters, scums, lowlife burglars and gangsters
extortionists who want protection money from a thriving blackman

Figuring Out
the con of gangsters to invade privacy
and measure the extent of their evil assaults and harassment's
also used in planning continuous assaults and future trends
weaponizing information to blackmail any dissenting follower  (wasn't it you that told us all that and did all that, you're in and you do as you're told, or else we'll reveal your part)  

some anodyne pantomime
by a gargle of blinded numb-skull servants and hooligans
to act meaningless skits trawled from fake news misconceptions
impacting nothing but showcasing how easily controlled they are

Narcissists, loonies, ideologues
pointless irrelevances sowing division and strife's
jealousy and envy among peoples and communities
belching lies, haft truths, misinformation and disinformation

Brain-washed Morons
all buying into the manipulation
unable to think for themselves or act independently
of the insidious group-think and sheep mentality herds
that puts them in chains NOT free them from chains
Written by
Yenson  M/London
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