I am terrified of the warm sensation of happiness. The comforting blanket it wraps around you. I had that blanket taken away from me what feels like eons ago. For the past few years all I have known is the cold sting of sadness. The wind screeches into my ear once again reminding me that this land is now my home. All I can feel is rigid air that burns through my lungs. The scrapes under my feet as I walk through thorns and thickets. The never ending rain running down my face and merging together with my tears. My body and mind are in a permanent state of emptiness. I look around me and I see my demons playing catch with my happiness. It gets thrown, dropped, beat up, scratched, and further away from me every second. As I have lingered in this perpetually frozen place, I noticed over time how the colors began to fade. Anything that was or resembled color is now a light wash of grey. Once you enter this land you are forever encased. Run away from here, as far and as fast as you can. Never look back.