This life was dying A fire, begging to be extinguished A sentence, begging for a period to end it forever I wanted to find the courage To finally say goodbye The cowardly strength to pull the trigger I wanted to be silenced forever
But you saw the fall and caught me The candle was dimming, losing its strength, The screaming fell to a whisper, a whimper, Until you brought my voice back to its strength You brought me to my feet and held me in your arms And now, we dance together through life Start dancing now, dance until dusk
But I’m slipping again I’m near to drowning The water is rising, up to my knees It’s up to my waist, Now to my shoulders, my neck, my chin I feel it above my mouth, to my nose, up to my eyes I’m seconds away from being fully submerged And I desperately need you to pull me up.
You scream from above, Toss down a lifeline But I’m paralyzed. Can’t move, can’t see, can’t feel I need you to pull me above the water, Back into your arms. But time and distance are never on our side So I wait, running out of oxygen by the second, Waiting for you to save my soul once again
I know you’ll be here, but I can only wait so long. I can’t stay here, drowning I need you to save me Bring me back to life.