of a dance that is done one song at a time with short. quick. stops. and. an. abrupt. end.
and let me tell you of a poem, with lines that flow like streams full of thoughts, through the poets mind, eyes, lips and mouth.
and let me show you picture of the way words can create life out of nothing.
Let me whisper a thought to you that can travel on a simple note. a single thought. and yet the most important, you see.
And If you were to draw a picture, would it be bright and cheerful? Or if you were to write a song, would it be slow and tender? Or a poem, rhythmic or timed? Or a whisper, a soft quiet word with no intentions or thoughts of its own. But, you see, A whisper can linger in the air, my friend and a whisper is not ever left unsaid.
So let me tell you a secret you will not likely forget. about a dance, a song, a poem, a rhyme, And a promise that was not kept.