The washing machine Rattles And I think of high school *******
Ashamed Of temptation I envision A golden field Burning in a grey Winter Sky
Hanging by the tip of my tongue Love flees from my fingertips Another notch on the belt like The days, the months, the years
Numbers piling up
When did age become so important? Wrinkles being the only way to tell time Pain the only way to know one is truly living Dreams ephemeral as the song of the angels A lasting tradition never to be found out
Deep within these woods madness lurks Underneath the tanned' bark of certain trees A murderer picks his teeth with a rusty nail The running waterfalls cease to crash Midnight leaks onto the kitchen floor like spilt milk And the wind - exhausted - stops to take a breath
Boredom thick as the pine and the bush Rushing like the crystal river at foot Unpressed by family in their telephone chatter The dog waits at the edge of the door In his eyes curiosity, demand, and vigor
There was something else I meant to do A sign missed or misread Maybe I missed a message in the mail? A call that didn't come through
Seeing the glass murky in the mid summer sun A nod, a smirk, a smile, a frown - blank Beds made with the pillows fluffed dreams spent for bus fare A knock at the door that is not mother