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Feb 2020
The after life

One day in the afterlife town of nirvana, lived a spiritual being called Buddha and his assistant Cronus and the spiritual healer Athena and they worked together to bring the souls from their last life to their next life, there are so many souls up here already as they sip their methane smoothies and explore the kingdom.
The main people are Robert mike and Jenny who died in the same plane crash and Cronus was asking them what would they want to be or do in their next life, and Robert said, I don’t want to come back to earth because it is too dangerous and Cronus said don’t worry, we won’t force your decision but as a natural fact you need a new earth body and the decision is yours on who or what it is
And Robert said, what if I die like I did before, my last body was only 17 and had dreams of living forever, so why do you want me to come back, and Cronus said well, you want to live forever think about death as being an obstacle where, sure you will lose everything from your last life that you treasured but you can collect new memories and new treasures in your new house with your new parents in which you can choose through our earth cam tv and Jenny said can I look at that now, it is important to check out my new parents and whether they will let me party with my friends till all hours and Cronus said, yes but I can’t promise you that you will get parents who let their kids run wild but I can give you new parents who will listen to you when you need them too and Jenny said ‘whatever’ so there are parents like that and Cronus said all parents have your best interests at heart and Jenny said well, you don’t really know my parents do you, and Cronus said well, I do but all kids hate their parents discipline techniques and Jenny said ‘whatever’
And then said ok I will see the best parents for my needs, and I will get emotional to find out which parents care enough for her to pick and Cronus asked her do you want parents who take you on holidays or give up their time to take you to daily activities like sports tryouts or community performances or do you want to live in a nice community and Jenny said, I think we all do, don’t we
And Cronus said Athena needs to give your soul a check up and bless you off to your next life and then Cronus went up to mike who was a real party animal who loves to drink and Cronus said how about you have a methane smoothy on us which up here will improve the quality of your life and then Athena will give you a soul check to get you ready to be reborn in your next life, you see we need to make our decision now so you can be added to your next life, and mike said do you know where my parents are, I am an orphan and my parents died when I was 10 in a car accident and I am now 16, please send me toward them and Cronus said you know who could help you, Buddha, so I will send you to Buddha and he could help you locate them, and mike said, in my next life, is there a way that I won’t lose my parents early like this life and Cronus said, pick the family you want and then explore nirvana but you must speak to Buddha to see your parents
So mike went up to Buddha and asked him to locate his parents and Buddha said your parents are on Jupiter living near hurricane hill where they can have fun pushing hurricane activity away from earth but they are not really finding it easy, and mike said, yes that sounds like them because they lost their parents in the hurricane of 2006 and it sounds like them to try and control them but where did they go to earth, and Buddha said only your parents can tell you that, do you want to be close to them in their next life, I could arrange that, and mike said yes that sounds good and after about 3 hours the souls of Robert, Jenny and mike were reincarnated into the womb of their next life as they started to throw a few flies down to keep having fun with people which happens because flies have a 28 day life span so we need to have fun with them
Buddha Cronus and Athena sat down after sending their souls to the womb and drank methane smoothies and waited for the next souls including former prime minister jack Solomon who died after battling 40 years of cancer and he came up saying to Buddha and Cronus I am ready to become a child again and I want to make a difference and Cronus said
Just do what you want to do and you will make a difference, happiness is the answer and jack went to Saturn to watch a jazz bank perform and he really enjoyed it
Written by
johnny georgy brown
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