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Jan 2020
(Yours and mine)
This world is set-in motion
w/ the measliest crumb to snare.
But find yourself off-put lacking
and doldrums erupt your sphere.
Not all of us are everyone else
nor their thoughts do we entertain.
For you are unique and 'normal'
whilst everyone else is insane.
Try that remedy for a moment's season
instill in yourself a place your own
You belong along all else here being
struggling-on may take you're alone.
But, your words written expound strength;
their presentation touchingly sincere,
follow through in your work until finish
and remember to persevere.
I've felt from your stance once
long before my happening here.
Prior, still, for the thought became
to write like spirits aware.
I thought of your posting
slung-up against her wall
read it but it kept me
in thought for you to care.
As this won't see its way
past this text-note for to share
I stand with you ever mightily
in these words I wrote as we're.

[ Additional lines as needed
are being placed down here.
All this finally compelled me
to submit a work for membership
but I'm still waiting back to hear.
Submitted: 1-23-2020 ( late night )
Or 1-24-2020 ( early morning)
Membership Granted: 1-26-2020
w/ email received sometime
between 9-10:00 p.m. ]
- Left the writing
in the condition it was in.
Inspired by, " Schizophrenia "
Designed for benevolence.
Written by
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