I never thought the two of us would be on this plane Here we are, diving headfirst into a charade done in vain Loosely tidying up encounters we remark back on with scoffs
Fun times they were, those sudden acts of lust If this be another, you will have demolished the last of my trust There’s nothing worse than the feeling of being used Manipulate me again, I’ll find another muse And what we have just done will be another addition to our plain of “fun”
Something consistent is all I desire Even consistently fondling carries some kind of longing acquired over time To be longed for, to be desired…
I’m oh so tired of being devoid of the wondrous sensation that fills one with absolute joy… to where one cannot think straight or hold responsible their foolish acts because it’s all in the name of love
That single word holds so much power, so much meaning, yet is tossed around left and right by those who deserve nothing of it and leave those who possess sincerity to suffer
But there is a lesser form of love; an equally complicated form that has touched me often, yet leaves the ground beneath my feet shaken only temporarily
… except for those Irish eyes…
Now, you have been here before, capturing my eye Bluntly you can see the spark, yet I’m amazed to know you noticed and didn’t completely fade from my sight I seem to humor you with my timid presence while you humor me with your strange persona Typically not a perfect pair, but ultimately compatible
You never cease to amaze me The words that drip from the ink you hold to the beautiful arrangements of notes your fingers unfold Your passion for such an art that moves others in various ways intrigues me I’m a bit envious, really I wish I could possess the commitment for something I adored
And the way you convey your thoughts on paper sends shivers down my spine You were always someone I admired, though I never imagined you wanted to chance your time Things have changed, we too have evolved Maybe now nature will make the call And set the sword in stone for the two of us to pull free You seem careless now, but what does it hurt to try?
Try me.
Wrote this over two years ago. Never had a title for it so I named it after whom it was inspired.