I love to write a poet on a sunny day Cause I want to put that dry lips on your face a big hug and a smile
I love to write a poet on a rainy days Cause I want to cover you when you are soaked in the rain cause its warm to embrace someone like you
I love to write a poet when you are happy it makes me happy too at the same time
I love to write a poet on a cold winter day Cause it makes me want to hug you like a comfort warmer
I love to write a poet on a breezing cold air It feels like we're in a different world spinning and only the two of us can only touch and see the hearts of each other
I love to write a poet when you are sleeping cause it makes me want to love you more because of your peaceful and angelic face that i want to carry you on my pocket whenever and wherever i may go
I love to write a poet on the notes where there are lots of spaces to speak and words to be written
I love to write a poet on a shining night where we can star gaze lie under the roof make promises and watch the constellations witness the real love we thought
I love to write a poet...
When im always with you...
It makes me goosebump and quiet nervous on what will happen next cause i can't wait.....