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May 2013
Beautiful. When I see you I see that you are wonderful.
Reserved. When I am around you I want to explode
Numb. Everything is weak.

But you hit me in the stomach.
Like I'm falling off a cliff
Like I'm about to slip
When can we get back to love

Tender. Your fingers are electric
Happineess. You bring me peace.
Love. When you feel so alone, you get blind to the girl who is right. By. Your. Side.

So far there is no balance
In this world
This world where words have no value
Hearts are asleep
And lies
Are better than knives

Beautiful. When I see you shine
Smiles. You bring a light into my life
Freedom. Will I ever find you?
Will I ever be able to look at and move past the blue?
Cloe Ann Rice
Written by
Cloe Ann Rice
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