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May 2013
You are my conscience
Whispering the rules of life
But you poisen my head
No I wont listen


You say you know whats best
But clearly you still have tribulations
Tiny daggers peircing my esophagus
Keeping me from telling the truth

Not anymore

Will I let you cover my mouth
Bound and gag my own words
I will let them drip out
The way they were meant to


And I might stop breathing
Instead I hold onto dear thoughts
They keep me living
Through your pain
Your selfishness inflicting lies

Not Anymore

Will I let you control
My allies are mine
My whimpers were hushed by
The screaming of your lies

No not anymore
It is a song, little heavy rock.
Ellyn k Thaiden
Written by
Ellyn k Thaiden  Amongst The Stars
(Amongst The Stars)   
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