The frustration you get When you wake up in the middle of the night And can't fall back to sleep.
You look at the clock, Hoping, It'll soon be time to get up. But then you realize It's not even near that time.
It's like the sun knows when you're awake and, Just to be a ******, Takes its time coming up.
So you lie there... Trying to get some rest. You squirm and change positions, But still... Nothing happens.
You begin to think about Your life, Your future, The world, Everything...
Then, all the bad thoughts become worse. You think... Maybe something might happen, Or something may already have happened.
You try harder to fall asleep, But you can't stop. Can't stop thinking. And you feel... Upset... Overwhelmed... And you can do nothing to stop all the horrible thoughts from coming through.
Then you're at the stage where now, Your thoughts aren't coming in patterns anymore. They scatter... Like a nebula.
So you lie there. You've given up. You feel hopeless... Like no one could ever help you. So you just wait... Wait for everything to be over.