the smoke it pours slowly out my shadow seems to be following a little further behind I'm loosing my grip on this steering wheel Swivin in and out of traffic I see Minivans and 18 wheelers honking and blazing thier horns I'm struggling to stay awake but only 2 more hours and I'll be home I dig in my glove compartment and pull out a pre rolled cigarete and my Oney Box I spark the cig and pack me a little one hitter puff them both down fast and drink my 3 hour old coffe I got at some rumie gas station its cold as **** but it'll do the trick I scratch my eyes and my ***** and turn up the radio The Current is a little to Indie for this night ride So I put on 93.6 The Blaze and listen to some As I Lay Dieing Ironic I have'nt died yet.... I listen and tune in and then I tune out as the white dotted line directs me towards home where my dog awaits to greet me it's been a long trip yes it has