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Apr 2013
People won't know.
If you keep some secrets to yourself.

Somethings people don't deserve to know.

If your wife is the best kisser.
Or good at other things.
The less said, the better the interest is delayed.

If your man has explicit skills.
Then why are you speaking information to your friends.
Don't think they wouldn't like an invitation to try.

Yes, the less said.
The better it is for you.
Take heed to the warnings that other gives.

Some people think bragging is a good thing.
Then get shocked and upset.
When one of your friends makes a move.

They only know about things you made available.
Don't dangle bait before a hunter.
Not all friends and asociates pretends to be stunners.

Some tries to move upon the information they know.

Yes, the less said.
The better off you'll be.
Unless you want to be one to reget the things you have said.

Whatever your lover good at?
Just keeps the information to yuourself.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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